Title: Borka Silver Jewellery
Profile of Borka Silver Jewellery: Sculptures produced by Ian and Wilma Massie around 1969 developed into wearable body, face, and hand ornaments and the Massies became established in Edinburgh and London as designers of original and provocative one-off jewellery. This became full-time work under the name of Borka Silver, which continued for 12 years until the death of Wilma Massie. For the first six years they produced one-off jewellery items in silver before developing injection wax models for casting and latterly producing items in gold. They received wide media publicity for their larger showpieces in magazines such as NOVA, Harpers, and Cosmopolitan, newspapers including the Scotsman and the Daily Telegraph Colour Supplement, and on TV and radio. Their works were also featured in a five-page solo article in Design, the magazine of the Council of Industrial Design. The Massies exhibited at prestigious London galleries and had examples of their work travelling abroad as part of British Week promotions.
Image from Design Magazine
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